Today I resurected this blog. It was a fruitfull day because in the morning I tackled some issues concerning my other works.

The crontab building the site was not successful and due to lack of logging, I could not determine why. After implementing logging quickly, I could see the building was failing because the app would not find the files needed for it to run. I made in sort to take the directory path from which the file is executed and it resolved the issue. However, I feel that it’s a bit dirty because moving the executable/files would break the app? Maybe it’s possible to specify a folder during the go build phase to point to correct files.

Later that day, after running Lighthouse on my gaming blog, I could notice a SEO problem. The blog metadata was forbidding indexing and crawling. I want people to read my blog and find my content through google if possible, so I went to investigate. Turns out that by default, hugo (static site generator), or my theme, was disallowing indexing. After putting the correct environment variable in Netlify (hosting the blog), the issue was resolved.

Finally I went to resurect this blog. I spent quite some time to choose a theme and it was painful, as content management in Hugo is not as easy as I want. I picked a theme that at least but those journal entries in “journal” and the posts in “posts”, but I would love the landing page to contain both. I have to check if it’s a theme issue or a hugo section limitation.

I should fill the about me section with some update on my cv and achievement. I should probably have a portfolio section.